What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are extensively used in aromatherapy, which is a form of alternative medicine. These oils are compounds mostly extracted from plants and flowers. As the oils capture the plant's scent, flavour, and “essence”, they are called essential oils.
How do Essential Oils work?
Essential Oils can be inhaled, and you can do this by adding a few drops of the oil into a diffuser or oil warmer. The aroma that emanates is said to trigger certain emotions, mental behaviour, and positive mood. It can also be used on the skin but only after being diluted with a carrier oil. So we can say that essential oils are great stress busters of the mind and miracle workers on the skin.
YlangYlang – Ylang Ylang is extracted from the flowers of the tree ‘Cananga odorata’ native to Indonesia, Malaysia and the Phillipines. This essential oil works well to balance mood and emotions. It also improves blood flow and circulation. It is great for sensitive skin as it addresses both skin irritation and redness and manages skin inflammation.EKAM strives to send its customer on a sensorial journey. We believe that you should take care of yourself first so that you are a happier, more productive person. What better way to do it than indulge yourself with our authentic essential oils. Listed below are few of our recommendations along with their benefits:

- Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus oil is extracted from the leaf of the plant ‘Myrtaceae’ and has a strong, distinctive scent. As it contains menthol it has a cooling sensation on the skin and is useful in relieving joint pains and muscle pulls. An effective decongestant, just adding a drop or two and inhaling the steam helps relieve chest and nose congestion.
- Lavender – ‘Lavandula’ (common name lavender) is a genus of 47 known species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. The aroma of lavender oil works as a great stressbuster, relieving anxiety and fatigue. It also works wonders on the skin as it is a fabulous hydrant. The natural skin tone is restored by reducing redness, blotching and ruddiness of the skin.

- Tea Tree –‘Melaleuca’ species of the Myrtaceae family, is a source for tea tree oil. Tea tree essential oil is a great moisturiser that keeps the skin healthy. It is widely known to boost the immune system and fight infections. It also provides relief from swelling and irritation, is antibacterial and a miracle healer of wounds.