Ever caught your mind wandering while you're supposed to be in the present moment? We're all guilty of it! Let's face it, daydreaming during crucial tasks or zoning out while driving is more common than we think, but, what if there was a way to bring your focus back?

Mindfulness Inventory
Use the below scale and rate how often these things happen to you:
1. Rarely, 2 – Sometimes, 3 – Often, 4 – Very Often, 5 – Most of the time
- I break or spill things.
- I run on automatic, hardly aware of what I am doing.
- I rush through tasks without really paying attention.
- I get so focused on goals that I lose touch with what I am doing right now.
- I multi-task and half-listen to what someone says.
- I dwell on the past or worry about the future.
- I mindlessly snack without realizing it.
- I get lost in my thoughts and emotions.
- My mind often drifts away.
- I drive on autopilot, not fully focused on the present.
- I daydream while doing chores like cleaning or laundry.
- I juggle multiple tasks instead of focusing on one.
Once you finish the quiz, you'll notice how often we're racing towards an imagined future, often neglecting the present. We invest so much energy into building up perfect future moments that when they finally arrive, they often fall short of our expectations, leaving us feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Have you ever meticulously planned for a party, envisioning the perfect outfit, makeup, etc. only to feel let down on the day of the party?
The key to overcoming mindlessness is to embrace the present moment, to truly live and focus on what's happening now, and appreciate the present instead of racing through it.
Practising mindfulness can help us learn to accept life as it is, embracing change and managing expectations. Daily practice enables us to let go of the need for control. When we're not easily rattled by life's challenges, like missed promotions, lost keys, or coffee spills, we find ourselves living a happier, more fulfilling life, free from anxiety, chronic pain, and sleepless nights.

You can pick nearly anything to focus your attention on:
- Something visual like a candle or a picture
- The sound of bells or the gurgle of running water
- Your breathing
- Sensations in your body – like your feet touching the ground as you walk.
- An image in your mind
- A sound, mantra, or chant in your mind
When your mind feels restless, take a walk, and concentrate on the physical sensations in your feet. Alternatively, when the mind’s relatively calmer, you can focus on your breath, which requires deeper concentration.
As you build your concentration and mindfulness in each session, you can extend to longer sessions (30 minutes is recommended) and explore advanced meditation techniques.
Prolonged or chronic stress can significantly affect both mental and physical health. Recent studies suggest that approximately 70 -80 percent of illnesses are closely connected, if not directly linked, to stress. Stress has also been associated with major causes of mortality such as heart disease, cancer, respiratory issues, accidents, liver disease, and suicide.
That's why it's crucial for everyone to embrace a holistic approach to maintaining both mental and physical well-being. This should involve incorporating daily exercise, meditation, and coping methods like journaling and aromatherapy.
EKAM has a full range of aromatherapy products including essential oil infused candles, wellness oil blends and diffusers that can help you in managing your daily stress and aid your meditation and yoga practice. Use the code AROMA10 to get 10% off on your next order (no minimum cart value).